"What's this?" I hear you cry. "Another group email from Serena . . . she must be about to head off on her travels again!"
Yes, dear reader, you know me too well. The proceeds of my house sale have stretched to yet another year of bumming around the world (but after this one I really must start earning some dosh again), and I set off in two weeks time on My Next Big Adventure.
This one will begin with a flight to Bangkok, and will then see me following the well-trodden path through Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. I have tenuous plans to include Myanmar AKA Burma (not totally sure which name is politically correct these days, but I'm sure I'll find out) in my tour of South East Asia, and my sister Natalie hopes to fly out for a couple of weeks and join me in exploring the delights that Thailand has on offer.
Around October I plan to fly to Delhi and spend six months (or as long as I can hack) in Northern India, before returning to Thailand for a bit of chilling out on a beach before returning home - got to come back with a tan, you understand.
Any hints, tips or suggestions will be gratefully received, as always, regarding itinerary or anything else that may be of use. You are most welcome to follow my journey, but I have decided to offer you the option to opt out of the usual epic emails. I shall be posting them on my website, and you will be able to find them at www.underwater-girl.co.uk. If you would like to continue receiving my verbose offerings direct to your inbox, then please let me know, and I will only be too happy to add you to my mailing list.
To see what I've been photographing since my return home, or to catch up with my latest snapshots while I'm away, then check out www.pbase.com/serenab. Oh, and if anybody out there wishes to adorn their walls with an original masterpiece by my good self, I now have a selection of photographs available for sale, in a variety of sizes and finishes, from www.SerenityPhotography.co.uk.